Whether you’re attending Super Forum 2019 or putting our annual community conference on your wish list for next year, there’s plenty to look forward to. Here are the 25 things you will be glad you didn’t miss at our 10th Super Forum.
1. Dazzling Views
Each year, we throw a stellar appreciation party for our attendees, because we appreciate you. As you stand in the Pose Rooftop Lounge, you’ll be able to see skyline views of our nation’s capital, the beautiful National Harbor Ferris wheel overlooking the Potomac River, and more.
2. The “Godmother of Customer Success”
Jeanne Bliss, of Customer Bliss, is one of our keynote speakers, and she’s been called the godmother of customer success. She held the first Chief Customer Officer position and will certainly have a lot to teach us about the member and customer experience.
3. Swag
What’s a conference without its free swag? Not only will you use your Higher Logic Floyd Coin (Super Forum currency) to redeem orange swag (including animal and kid-friendly items, of course), you’ll also have your pick of our sponsors’ swag. You’ll have to let us know who swagged it best. Bonus: You’ll get plenty of inspiration for swag at your own events.
4. 1×1 Consulting
Ever wanted to sit down with a Higher Logic expert and ask them all the questions you have? Well, now you can. Sign-ups are available for 1×1 consulting, if you haven’t already snagged your spot.
5. Giving Back to Our Community
Higher Logic cares. We’ll have a station if you’d like to join us in creating hygiene kits with Clean the World. Each hygiene kit will be donated to charity after the conference, and you’ll get to walk away feeling the benefits of volunteering.
6. Delicious Food
Who’s hungry? If our conference meals are anything like last year (and they will be, we have the same chef – conference pro-tip), you’ll leave happy and full.
7. Pre-Conference Workshops
Have you always wanted to learn more about Google Analytics? If you’re coming to Super Forum, make sure you check out the pre-conference workshops. These are an amazing opportunity to learn our product in-depth. See the workshop schedule and register here.
8. Networking Lounge
Conferencing got you tired? Take a load off and head over to our networking lounge to meet other attendees in a more relaxed location (thanks to Americaneagle.com for making this possible).
9. The Co-Founder of a Marketing Agency
Although we personally love that Andrew Davis can claim working for the Muppets as part of his career, we also love that he’s a top marketer who co-founded and sold his own thriving digital marketing agency. We can’t wait to hear his business and marketing tips. Did we mention he’s a bestselling author? There’s that, too.
Related: A Tech Conference to Remember: Why You Can’t Miss Super Forum 2019
10. Monuments, Museums, and More
If you’re looking for something to do in the evening, grab a new conference friend, hop in a rideshare car, and head to DC for some local sight-seeing. Most of the sights are free!
11. Location, Location, Location
If you’d rather stay close to the conference – don’t fret. We can’t say enough good things about our location, from the luxurious Gaylord hotel where we’ll hold our conference, and then the Tanger Outlets, Ferris wheel, the MGM casino…. You’ll have plenty to occupy you outside of conference hours.
12. Topic Pods
No, these aren’t as good as nap pods, but they’re certainly up there. A topic pod is your chance to sit down with other attendees and Higher Logic experts and talk brass tacks about a certain topic. No sign-up needed. (Thanks to Fuse Search for helping make these happen.)
13. Product Roadmap (Dream. Build. Go.)
Ready for some exciting new features and functionality? Our Chief Product Officer, James Willey, and our product team will be sharing the new product roadmap. If you want the full scoop (or shall we say…super scoop) on Higher Logic’s product roadmap, including “what” and “why,” you’ll get it at Super Forum.
14. Exclusive Access to Higher Logic Partners and Sponsors
One of our favorite parts of the conference is that our vendors are all together in one room, where you can learn more about building the best tech stack. Plus, if you can’t wait to see more from vendor, you can even attend a demo session.
15. Sessions for All Knowledge Levels
Love to learn? We have 80+ sessions this year, jam-packed with lessons learned to guide you, use cases to inspire you, and product-specific knowledge to empower you. Take a look at the full Super Forum schedule – you can filter sessions by product, track, or knowledge level.
16. Feverbee Founder
Rich Millington, founder of Feverbee and community expert, hosted a Super Forum session last year that was packed with interested attendees – and it was well-worth it. We won’t expect anything less of him this year. Here are his session details.
Read the session recap from Rich’s Super Forum 2018 presentation.
17. Special Surprise
Because it IS our 10th Annual Super Forum, we’ll have a little something for to celebrate at the our Customer Appreciation Party. Can’t wait to see you there!
18. Logic Lab
The Logic Lab is your place to talk to Higher Logic product experts and provide your feedback. We want to hear your thoughts, so make sure you stop by.
19. Chance to Win Prizes
Don’t miss the vendor game! We’ll share full details at the registration desk (thanks, CommunityBrands!), but the gist is, if you collect a certain amount of vendor buttons and scan your badge, you’ll be entered to win cool prizes like an Apple watch.
20. Virtual Bag
Real bags are so last year. And since we’re so on top of the trends, we’re providing you with a virtual sponsor bag, including links and information about all our amazing Super Forum sponsors. Come and show us your visit to the Super Forum page for an extra Floyd coin.
21. Find Your People at HUG In-Real-Life
Your Higher Logic Users Group (HUG) community manager Shannon Emery will be hosting HUG IRL. If you’re an active user of HUG, this is your dream come true, and if you haven’t gotten into HUG yet, it’s the perfect chance to learn about this valuable resource.
22. Puppies from Wolf Trap Animal Rescue
‘Nuff said. Oh, and they’re adoptable. (Thanks, ThemeLogic!)
23. Free Headshots
Ready for your close-up? You will be at Super Forum 2019, because we’ll have a professional photographer and makeup artist ready to take your professional headshots. Then, you can upload it right to your HUG profile.
24. Unlocking the Science of Successful Communities
Heather McNair, our Chief Community Officer, and Mikhail Opletayev, our VP of Software Engineering & Data Sciences, will be presenting their acclaimed research on what makes a community successful. In their Tuesday breakout session, they’ll explore data-backed answers to questions that may have plagued you.
25. Floyd the Frog Paparazzi
Our Higher Logic mascot Floyd will be leaping around Super Forum drumming up excitement, and he’s been warned that you’ll be bugging him for pictures. Share your photos with us on social using @HigherLogic and #HLSF19.
But don’t take it from us, take it from our past attendees:
Have you downloaded the Super Forum app, powered by ResultsDirect, yet? If not, check it out on Android or Apple. and visit the HUG Super Forum event community to hear what other attendees are excited about and tips for getting the most out of the conference.
There’s still time to register to for Super Forum 2019, November 18-20, 2019, at the Gaylord National Harbor Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD.

Content Marketing Manager
Elizabeth Bell is the Content Marketing Manager at Higher Logic. She’s passionate about communities, tech, and communicating about both effectively. When she’s not writing, you’ll probably find her cooking, reading, gardening, or playing volleyball.