Interested in a Strategic Services package? Higher Logic’s team of community managers and email campaign strategists will help you create valuable, lasting relationships with your customers, members, or employees. Contact us today to learn how.
Strategic Services for Community Management
Work with our
in-house experts
Engagement Assessment
You want to make sure Strategic Services is a good fit for you before making a long-term commitment, and so do we. Begin the early stages of the Strategic Planning Process with our team to see just how extensively we can bolster your engagement efforts.
“Strategic Services isn’t just a contracted service that will go away. You’re ultimately making the investment in your own organization.”
Strategic Services for Communications
Accelerate your email marketing strategy
Research: The State of Community Management Report 2020
Get the latest research from the Community Roundtable on online community impact, ROI, and industry shifts.
“My only experience with communities was my community, while Higher Logic’s community managers have touched hundreds of communities. It’s been a great opportunity to learn best practices from someone who lives and breathes community every day.”
Build your community’s virtual destination. Bring everyone all together and engage with them through ongoing, meaningful interaction.
Learn MoreCommunications
Grow lasting relationships with targeted email communications, reaching your audience with the right message at the right time during their customer or member journey.
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See Us In Action
Dedicated Community Management Gets Results
Working with Higher Logic’s community management services helps organizations like yours revamp their strategies and grow community engagement levels. For example, in a little over a year and a half, since working with Higher Logic’s Strategic Services, the American Staffing Association has seen a jump in key metrics:
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